A lot of consumers today find it difficult to write credit dispute letters. Do you belong to this group of individuals? If you do then, this article is made just for you!

In the remainder of this piece, we’ll consider simple tips that can help you come up with an effective business letter, which you can eventually send to the firm that supplied you with an erroneous annual credit report.

Identify errors in your credit report, first. Before you can dispute inaccuracies in your credit file; you need to determine first if there really are errors and unauthorized charges in your annual report. Watch out for incorrect payment records, outdated accounts and even for court judgments that are way past the statutes of limitations in your state. Then, list them down before writing a letter of credit dispute.

Look for patterns for writing business letters. If you don’t have the knowledge or experience in business correspondence then, you can always search for excellent patterns online. Look for sites that offer guides on how you can come up with an effective business letter. Or, you may also decide to look for an actual letter of dispute which you can modify based on your needs and preferences.

Use strong verbs when writing down instructions as to how each error or inconsistency should be handled. Employ the words, delete, remove, update, change, modify, eliminate, validate, etc, when providing instructions to the employees of the major credit bureaus. By doing so, they can easily perform the necessary steps to address your issues and concerns.

Enclose copies, not the original documents, to your credit dispute letter. Look for receipts, financial records, proofs of payments and other records which can help support your claim. Then, have them scanned or photocopied before attaching them to your letter. After all, you might need such documents, later on; most especially if the major credit bureaus fail to respond to your very first letter of credit dispute.

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And if you wish to learn more on how you can fix your credit
history, on your own; please visit this page as often as you can!
Image courtesy of adamr / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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